Lilly Bringle
Portfolio Featured Photo Hoosier Sporting Goods

hoosier sporting goods


Designed for VISC 205- Web Design II. Deliverables include a five-page minimum multipage website utilizing HTML, CSS, and JS, with at least one jQuery Plugin and a corresponding mood board/planning sheet.

Web Design II
Web Design, UX/UI
Fall 2023

Strategy and UX

Hoosier Sporting Goods primarily focuses on creating and producing local school district apparel alongside selling standard sporting goods. Not only that, they also function as a custom print shop with options for clothing, engraving, and more. Thus, my main goal for this website was to highlight their school district apparel and several lesser-known services.

To do this, I created nine web pages for their site: Homepage, About, Services, Shopping, two Product pages, an Account page, a Checkout, and a Contact page. The Shopping page utilized the jQuery plugin Cesta Fiera for an easy add-to-cart function.


Below are the wireframes I designed for the project, which focused on highlighting the shopping page.

Hoosier Sporting Good wireframes

a service for
every need

The current website lacked any advertising of their custom services, which set Hoosier Sporting Goods apart from most of their local competition. To advertise this underutilized aspect, I created a services section on the homepage and a services page detailing several of their custom-made services and CTA’s prompting the user to schedule an order.

An image displaying Hoosier Sporting Good's services webpage
Hoosier Sporting Goods shopping, Product, and Cart page

shopping experience

The current website’s most significant issue was a lack of cohesive shopping experience. Currently, users must navigate to a separate e-commerce website, which lacks intuitive filtering options and has long load times. To reduce customer frustrations and increase the likelihood of e-commerce conversions, I proposed an internal e-commerce experience with an account page and a filter system. While the working model is limited, the purpose is to illustrate the necessity and benefit of having an internal e-commerce interface.