Lilly Bringle

turning point.

Mockup showing two posters created for Turning Point.


Designed a media campaign in conjunction with Turning Point Domestic Violence Services for use in their high school health education classes. Deliverables included a one-minute explainer video on Teenage Dating Violence and two posters showcasing signs of unhealthy and healthy dating for awareness.

I also collaborated with Columbus North High School’s counseling center, health classes, and printing center for the printing and distribution of posters around the school.

Turning Point
Graphic Design, Motion Design
Fall 2021
Photo of poster set for Turning Point

the idea.

For this project, I focused on creating quick and attention-getting posters by using big pictures that show the main concept and eye-catching colors. I also used color to highlight resources for help and prevention.

For the explainer video, I focused on creating a visual medium for teen health education. A big part of the short video was highlighting the different types of abuse and how that could happen to anyone regardless of ethnicity or gender. I also focused on visualizing these types for better understanding and recognition.

Portfolio Piece 2- Turning Point